Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Dancing On My Own Boogie Rework

Baltimore's own Pepsi Sine created a sick boogie mix of Dancing On My Own. In his own words:
While I admit it feels silly and irrelevant to be releasing music right now, I'll share this today just because it's the 10th anniversary of the original release of Dancing on my Own, and maybe someone'll get some joy out of it. On a recent sun-kissed day, someone reminded me of this song, and I picked up a Yamaha RX5 drum machine from Craigslist. On the way home from that, I heard "You're in my System" on my car radio. That night, when I dreamed, my brain mashed up the two. I immediately got to work in the morning recording what I had imagined with the aforementioned RX5, my Microbrute, and my trusty Cz-101. Thanks to everyone who listened and provided feedback in the month of May. (there are so many of you!) And, again, I hope this makes someone's day easier to bear.
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