Philadelphia's Joe Lentini debut full length was recently released on Schematic. I know you have a hundred other new releases to check out, but if you are a fan of quality production & composition, you should really just take an hour and focus on this album. You can listen to the whole thing on Joe's Soundcloud. Trust me, it's time well spent. It may even rekindle your love for the album format. Remember, listening to a dozen consecutive tracks by the same artists in a particular sequence?!? Crazy, right? As far as I'm concerned, Lentini nailed the long play format on Status In The Ballroom.
Below are a couple highlights. Arthur is a stand out album cut and Confunk is an In Flagranti-esque dancefloor bomb.
You can buy it from Amazon MP3 or iTunes.
04 ARTHUR (STATUS EDIT) by Joe Lentini
05 CONFUNK by Joe Lentini